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5 Tips To Design a Friendly Outdoor Space

The wave of electronic devices has almost robbed children of the excitement and fun of playing outdoors. However, outdoor play is fundamental for a child’s overall development and well-being. Loving nature is an integral part of growing up. 

Imagine the fun you had playing wiffle balls with your brothers or sisters, taking your dog on a walk in the neighborhood, or just rolling around the lawn and watching the clouds.

You probably want your children to have the same experience!

If you’re designing your yard, you should be mindful of designing it in a way that entices your kids, making them want to go outside, play, and explore their natural curiosities. So, how do you create an outdoor space for your kids that’s enjoyable yet safe? Here are ___ tips from expert landscapers Amherst NY, to create an outdoor space that your children will love to play, enjoy, and make memories with your loved ones.

Assess Your Child’s Real Needs

Children’s needs are relatively simple: to have fun, run, play, and climb. But with that, you also need to take care of their safety, especially if your child is very young. Your outdoor design Amherst NY, must be planned in a way that will pay attention to safety. Create a space with softer surfaces like grass or sand. Avoid using stones in your landscaping.

If your children are older, consider whether they would like a place to play ball, swing, or garden. If you live near a community park, you can check it out as well. A soccer goal may not be necessary for your yard if there’s a park nearby with soccer goals. Consider investing in a sandbox or a treehouse to create unique ways for your children to grow. 

Involve Them In Planning

To get an understanding of what your people want, it’s better to ask them upfront.

Engage them in the planning process – make it a family event. Hire landscapers Amherst NY, to get a better idea of how to plan your yard effectively. Involving them early on will give you time to think about your options and design a backyard that meets their needs as well as yours. Having their input and voice heard, even if something they want is not possible, will make them feel good and enthusiastic about the project.

An Edible Garden

Your children will enjoy learning about gardening and preparing meals. Watering plants, weeding, picking fruit, and digging up vegetables is an excellent way to engage your youngsters and learn about gardening. If you don’t have enough space, you can also grow certain herbs and vegetables in containers. Consider planting strawberries, raspberries, or fruit trees. Book garden maintenance Amherst NY services to keep your yard looking tidy and well-maintained.

Incorporate Nature

The best way to create an outdoor living space for kids is to incorporate nature around their play area. As a result, the area will feel more exciting and beautiful, and playsets and other kid-friendly structures will look more natural. Effective landscaping will make it easier to blend kids’ and adult areas. 

Don’t Forget Your Furry Ones

Be sure to consider the needs of your family pets – they’ll probably be outdoors a lot with your children. If your animals need a dedicated space, ensure they have enough room to roam and live safely. Children should have enough space to interact respectfully with pets to create positive memories of growing up with them. 

Most importantly, do reserve some space for adults, especially if you enjoy soaking up the sun. Make it a space where both you and your kids can enjoy and create memories together. 


Spending time outdoors is a great way for your kids to grow, have fun, and learn to appreciate the beauty of nature. It will also encourage a healthy sense of competition, play, and imagination. 

With the help of professional landscapers Amherst NY, it becomes easier to design a landscape that will encourage your kids to spend time outdoors. Get the best landscaping service in Amherst NY, and create the kind of yard where you and your kids can spend quality time and make memories that can look back fondly on for the rest of your life.

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